Julie Snyder wants to expand her family

Julie Snyder and Pierre-Karl Peladeau trying to have a third child.

Julie Snyder wants to expand her family
Julie Snyder, who is about to relive the adventures of Star Academy from this Sunday, January 22, we could also forward the start of her pregnancy.

According to the magazine 7 Days , host and her husband, Pierre-Karl Peladeau, try to have a third child.

"On 25 December, we started treatment in vitro fertilization. The day after the first variety, it is possible that I learn that I am pregnant, because I will spend a pregnancy test that day, "Julie Snyder  confided to the magazine.

At 44, she agreed that having a child during the whirlwind of Star Academy is probably not ideal, but she seized the opportunity when her doctor says it's time to try.

She had frozen embryos when she was 34 years old, so she has another opportunity to more if the attempt does not work, and it does not preclude the adoption.

"Whatever happens, we turn also to the adoption. Pierre-Karl and I would like to adopt a child for a long time, even if we have a third child, it is certain that one day we will adopt. We are also considering the possibility of being a host family to help some children from a youth center to make a better start in life."

The couple has one son, Thomas, and a daughter, Romy. Pierre-Karl Péladeau had another daughter, Marie, born of a previous union.


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